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From: TRAC [tracbaytrail@earthlink.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 8:37 PM
Cc: Frank Gonzales; Chris Chamberlain
Subject: Resurrection of South 51st St. Bay Trail Spur

Richmond Bay Trail Network,

A little known and formerly neglected Bay Trail spur at the end of South 51st St. provides instant access to Bay vistas, rich tidal wetlands and bird watching between Pt. Isabel and Meeker Sough bridge. Located just off the Bayview Ave. exit from I-580, this 250-yard trail follows the tidal channel at the mouth of Baxter Creek to reach Stege Marsh and the Eastshore State Park section of Bay Trail connecting Marina Bay with Point Isabel Regional Shoreline. (Map attached.)

The BIG NEWS is resurrection of this trail by the City of Richmond's Parks & Landscaping Division. Rampant growth of pampas grass, French broom, etc. had made this trail uninviting and virtually impassable for those who knew about it. Although BCDC required Caltans to build this trail while constructing I-580, neither BCDC nor the City of Richmond were able to persuade them to maintain it. Caltrans surprised everyone this year by producing a 1986 Maintenance Agreement in which the City of Richmond agreed to maintain the trail along with local streets built by Caltrans as part of the freeway project.

Click here to check out Before/After pictures to see the amazing transformation wrought by the City's Parks & Landscaping Division, which went into action in response to this unexpected new development. Parks Supervisor Frank Gonzales reports:

We hauled out about 80 yards of Green waste and repaired about 200' of Burned fencing and painted. We then brought in about 150 yards of Mulch to help with weed control and cosmetics. Next spring, Wildflowers!

Arrival of migratory shorebirds and waterfowl makes this an excellent time to check out this resurrected, user-friendly Bay Trail spur.

Click here for the up-to-date Richmond Bay Trail map

TRAC Steering Committee

City of Richmond Bay Trail

Richmond Bay Trail Slideshows: