RBPAC Logo Richmond Bicycle / Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Richmond, California
http://richmondbpac.org/meetings.htm News Bike/Ped Plans Action Alerts Maps About Us Links Past Events Email RBPAC Home Page of Richmond BPAC
Maps & Plans

Richmond Bicycle Master Plan Click here for the locally stored copy of the Richmond BPAC bike plan page.

City of Richmond GIS Map Gallery City of Richmond
Berkeley Bike Plan Page Berkeley
Richmond Bay Trail maps

Trac Trails for Richmond Action Committee's award winning Bay Trail website. Goals

511 Contra Costa 511 Contra Costa Contra Costa County Bicycling & Downloadable Maps
Bay Area 511 Bicycling

511 Bay Area Bay Area Bike Mapping & Route Info

E. Bay Regional Parks

East Bay Regional Parks District

Bike Link

Bike Link

Elocker and access card purchase info

Creating Paths & Trails
National Park Service NPS National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program
Rails to Trails Conservancy

Rails to Trails Conservancy Trail Building Tools / Dealing with Opposition by Neighbors
Western Region Related Organizations

Advocacy Organizations & User Groups
Alliance for Biking & Walking Alliance Formerly Thunderhead Alliance


League of American Bicyclists League of American Bicyclists
National Center for Bicycling and Walking Bike Walk
Bikes? Yes! Bikes Yes A subcommittee of the Richmond BPAC advocating for a multi-modal lane on the Richmond / San Rafael Bridge to connect the Bay Trail from Richmond to Marin. That'd be something now, wouldn't it?
Bike East Bay

bike east bay logo Bike East Bay -the Mother Ship- Our Regional Bicycle Advocates
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
Marin County Bicycle Coalition
Marin County Bike Coalition Our pals in Marin and their county supervisors advocate for opening the Richmond /San Rafael Bridge to bicycles
Bay Area Bicycle Coalition Bay Area Bike Coalition
The Bicycling Empowerment Network - Ben South Africa Ben Bikes Riding a bicycle is four times faster than walking and three times more efficient. Bikes keep children in school and help people get to work more easily. South African health care workers on BEN-bikes now see 500 to 550 patients a month compared with the 100 - 200 patients they were able to serve on foot.
Bike Share Info

Bike Share Links:


Interesting bike sharing model in the Washington DC area (per Kieron)
Capital Bikeshare puts over 1,200 bicycles at your fingertips. You can choose any of the 140 stations across Washington, D.C. and Arlington, VA and return it to any station near your destination.

Funding, Policy, Street Design & Bicycle Facilities
People for bikes People for bikes


mtc logo Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Available Funding>>
Complete Streets Checklist>>
MTC Meeting Stream / Agendas>>

National Complete Streets Coalition - Instituting a complete streets policy ensures that transportation planners and engineers consistently design and operate the entire roadway with all users in mind - including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

x American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

Federal Highway Adminisrtation

U S DCepartment of Transportation

Bicycle and Pedestrian Program

Safe Routes to School Safe Routes to School
Bart Lockers Click here for bike locker installations, use & goals
Useful Stuff
Paragon Machine Works Hand tooled Bicycle Frame Building Components Paragon Machine Works
Reflective Apparel Factory

Reflective Clothing Click on the logo for clothing with Scotchlite reflective material

How to Paint a Bike How to paint a bike
Bikes and transit Cartographer

Adventure Cycling Association

Adventure Cycling

Bicycling Magazine Bicycling Magazine
Urban Bikers' Tips and Tricks Urban Bikers' Tricks & Tips: Low-Tech & No-Tech Ways to Find, Ride, & Keep a Bicycle
By Dave Glowacz
Illustrated by Dave Glowacz
Published by Wordspace Press, 2004 252 pages
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Information Sheldon Brown Tony, who is a master mechanic himself, sez, "It's a great resource for do-it-yourself bike maintenance and modification, with an emphasis on utility, recreational riders and stuff A-Z.
Education & Safety Information

NHTSA Useful information for cyclists

CDC Bicycle Safety CDC Bicycle Saddles & Reproductive Health
Bicycle Safety How not to Get Hit by Cars
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

"Bicycle riding is often very therapeutic for arthritis. Most of the weight during bicycle riding is put on the seat so the knees and hips get moving pretty fast with little pressure on them.
...The seat should be set at a height such that you can just touch the pedal with your heel at the down stroke with your knee fully extended..."
The Texas Hip and Knee Center

Senior Cycling Info (Florida) Safe and Mobile Seniors
For Students

Exploratorium Why is the bicycle the most efficient way to travel?

Boy Scouts

Boy Scout Council Craig is all about scouting and bikes.

His suggestions:

  • Richmond Boy Scout Troop 2 is chartered by the Richmond Police Activities League (PAL), & one of their main activities is Bicycle Safety & Education click here
  • BSA's Guidelines involving bicycle safety: click here