RBPAC Logo Richmond Bicycle / Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Richmond, California
http://richmondbpac.org/meetings.htm News Bike/Ped Plans Action Alerts Maps About Us Links Past Events Home Page of Richmond BPAC
Who we are: The Richmond Bicycle / Pedestrian Advisory Committee is an organization of people in Richmond, California who prefer biking and walking. Click here to read about our accomplishments, vision, mission and goals. Join our email list
THESE PLANS WERE ADOPTED on 11/1/11 placing Richmond on pace with neighboring cities that value and encourage bicycle and pedestrian activity and realize the benefits of a robust bike & ped infrastructure.
Next BPAC Strategy Meeting Be a Squeaky Wheel...

RBPAC meetings & map: click here

  • Report Richmond hazards using the COR Connect reporting system. The city monitors this system closely.
  • Go here to generate a blank, pre-addressed email to Richmond elected officials.
  • Use the Bike East Bay hazard reporting system.
  • Richmond Public Works is responsible for maintaining the streets: 510-231-3011.
  • For the Richmond Street Maintenance Division Webpage click here .
  • Follow the Engineering Department on twitter @CoR_Engineering
  • For the Richmond Engineering Department webpage and FAQ click here.
  • For kudos/concerns/comments on the Richmond BayTrail, contact TRAC.
  • UC BerkeleyTransportation Injury Mapping System. Click here
Get Involved / Upcoming Events
Also of Interest

Please join us on Monday , January 11, 2016 at 5:30 pm for our first regular BPAC meeting of the year at Richmond City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Pt Molate Room on the 2nd floor Pt. Molate Room..

The Richmond BPAC is an organization of people who live in Richmond who prefer walking and biking. We work closely with city staff to ensure that the Bicycle Master Plan and Pedestrian Plan get updated and implemented as well as possible. We also are an active part of the community; organizing rides, events, and being ambassadors for bicycling and walking wherever we go.

Interested, but can't make it? Email patrick_phelan@ci.richmond.ca.us , Richmond BPAC staff liaison, to get added to our email list and receive the agenda and future updates.

Help us bring about positive change in Richmond, and make our city a better and safer place for everyone to walk and bike in!

1/1/2016- From our good friends at TRAC (The Bay Trail folks):

Friends of the Bay Trail in Richmond,

Attached for your enjoyment and information is the 17th Richmond Bay Trail New Year Report prepared by TRAC, the Trails for Richmond Action Committee.Click here to view it. This upbeat, colorful report features remarkable advances made during 2015 toward completing the San Francisco Bay Trail in Richmond. The city now has over 32 miles of Bay Trail built -- more than any other city on this planned 500-mile walking and cycling route encircling San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. Moreover, nine projects now underway promise to complete seven additional miles of Bay Trail in Richmond and 4.3 miles across the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge by late 2017.

Please share the report with your friends and neighbors by printing it for display in your home and office. They may join you in receiving news about Bay Trail events and progress by emailing tracbayrail@earthlink.net . A higher resolution version of the report may be viewed and downloaded from http://www.pointrichmond.com/baytrail/pdfs/2016NYReport.pdf .

For maps, the calendar of events and other information about the Bay Trail in Richmond, please visit TRAC's award-winning website designed and maintained by David Moore of Sincere Design. TRAC greatly appreciates your support for completing the Bay Trail.

TRAC Steering Committee

Alameda CTC will host the next Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) monthly webinar:

Date: Third Wednesdays
Time: 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Alameda CTC offices, 1111 Broadway, Suite 800, Oakland, CA 94607

Alameda CTC pays the APBP registration fee of $85, so attendance is free and open to all. Feel free to bring a bag lunch and forward this email to anyone who may be interested in attending or hosting an APBP webinar at their own location.

APBP has applied to the AICP for one Certification Maintenance credit for this webinar. A certificate of attendance for all others wanting to claim Professional Development Hours will also be available.

* 6/15/2016: Economic Impacts of Street Design Decisions

* 7/20/2016: Performance Measures to Evaluate New and Established Practices

* 8/17/2016: Street Design and Planning in Suburban Contexts

* 9/21/2016: Pedestrians and Bicyclists in a Suburban Context

* 10/19/2016: Intersections that Work for Pedestrians and Cyclists

* 11/16/2016: Transitions between Bikeway Facilities

* 12/14/2016: Tips to Demystify Traffic Analysis

Tuesday April 21st Richmond City Council Meeting Agenda Item:

G-3. ADOPT a resolution authorizing execution of a contract with A-N West, Inc., to modify and update the plans and specifications for the Richmond-Ohlone Greenway Gap Closure Project and to provide engineering services during
construction, in an amount not to exceed $124,613
Engineering Services
Department (Chad Smalley 412-2067/Tawfic Halaby 621-1612).

City Engineering Dept initiates effort to increase bicycle parking. Your help is needed! Please read on...

The Engineering Department's committment and enthusiasm for creating bicycle facilities is infectious. Let's respond to their call for help asap!!

Click here for zoomable PDF of available bicycle parking.
Click here to contact Patrick Phelan with your suggestions and corrections.

Thank you for supporting us, Richmond Engineering Department, and helping to turn our city into a safe and enjoyable place for bicyclists and pedestrians!!

The Dornan Drive Tunnel Repair Project is complete and the tunnel is now open.

Scofield bend 6/4/2012 Update on bicycle access in the controversial I-580 Scofield Avenue and Western Drive Bridge Deck Replacement at the westbound end of the Richmond - San Rafael Bridge: click here

Councilmember Tom Butt has been covering the issue on his e-forum: click here

What: The Richmond City Council declared May as Bike Month and recognized the Richmond BPAC (us!) with a PROCLAMATION.

From the 5/22/2012 City Council Agenda :
G-2. PROCLAMATION recognizing the Richmond Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee and declaring that May 2012 is National Bike Month in Richmond - Mayor McLaughlin (620-6503) and Councilmember Butt (620-6581).

Tues 1/10/2012 - Harbour Way Pedestrian and Bicycle Project is on a fast track.

I-5. ADOPT a resolution approving the city's application for the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Funding for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 and, if awarded, ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE the funds for implementation of the Harbour Way Pedestrian and Bicycle Project Engineering Services Deptt (Edric Kwan 621-1825).

NEW 1/7/2012 Click here for links to the documents for the Ohlone Trail /Richmond Greenway Gap Closure project on our projects page.

Ohlone Trail  - Richmond Greenway connection 12/23/2011 - From the city manager's report for the two weeks ending on 12/23: Engineering Services Capital Improvement Project Updates Richmond Ohlone/Greenway Gap Closure: The design phase of the project to provide a safe crossing at San Pablo Avenue between the Richmond Greenway and El Cerrito Ohlone bike and pedestrian trail has been completed. Staff received notification from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) that Safe Routes to Transit will fund $501,000 towards construction. Staff is still waiting for a response from the California Rivers Parkway and Strategic Growth Council for an additional $883,000 that is required to fully fund this project. UPDATE: Project has been fully funded.

11/13/2011 Richmond Bay Trail 51st St. spur cleanup info click here .

Note: A valued Richmond BPAC member who wishes to remain unnamed brought this issue forward to city staff at a public meeting over a year ago. Daylighting the problem led to all of the ensuing work to find out who was responsible for maintenance, etc. Our member precipitated a long chain of correspondance and research which ultimately led to success. The moral of the story: Be a squeaky wheel!

9/14/2009 From the Bike East Bay website Richmond progress follows BPAC formation : "EBBC made it a campaign to form a BPAC in West County several years ago. The dividends from this grassroots organization are increasingly evident. ..., get involved in Richmond's BPAC..." -Robert Raburn Thank you Robert for your kind words about us!!

Award 2009 BTWD slideshow
2010 BTWD facebook photos
2010 BTWD flickr photos

A Day in the Park Postcard

"A Day in the Park"

Postcard design and graphics by David Moore

RBPAC Postcard Front
slide show

Postcard design and graphics by David Moore

Ride with us
3/29/09 slide show

Postcard design and graphics by David Moore

Trail Xing sign
Richmond Greenway
Ohio St. Bike Lane Barrett Bike Sign

Einstein on a Bike share the road When we accidentally kill something without any intention of killing, recite a mantra from the Root Tantra of Manjushri seven times and then blow at your bicycle tires. I have listed the mantra below for your convenience. - Phakchok Rinpoche


Richmond Cycling Activist Mike Hudley after the City Council Mtg 11/1/2011
11/1/2011 Native Richmond Bicycle Activist Mike Hudley
at the Richmond City Counci Meeting 11/1/11

Bill and hillary

Bill and Hillary rocking fixies. Hillarry, are those lycra tights? Click on image for large version
Taken from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/21/bill-clinton-monica-lewinsky_n_3968350.html?utm_hp_ref=politics

Big Thanks to Our Supporters Click here
The  Pedaler Please shop at our local bike shop The Pedaler

July 2, 2013 From our good friends at TRAC: Click here for the colorful, upbeat 14th Richmond Bay Trail Mid Year Report including an up-to-date map of the Richmond Bay Trail.

May16, 2012 To see extensive media coverage of the 2nd Annual Richmond Ride of Silence, click here

Fun First, Safety Too per Bike East Bay

Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities on the road as car drivers;

  • Be predictable: signal your turns and stop at red lights & stop signs;
  • Avoid the "door zone" by riding at least 4 feet from parked cars, even if this means riding with traffic;
  • Be visible: use lights and reflectors, and dress in bright colors, especially when riding at night;
  • Take the lane when there is not room to ride safely to the right, and be sure to look and signal before you do .

Bike East Bay offers free fun bicycle safety classes in Spanish and English. Visit bikeeastbay.org for a full list of free upcoming safety classes.

1/13/2012 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2012 (MUTCD)
1/2012 Napa County Bicycle Plan
11/2011 League of American Bicyclists Bridging the Gaps in Cycling Networks, An advocate's guide to getting bikes on bridges

11/26/2011 Dangerous Bay Area Bike Intersections Video League of American Bicyclists

ABC News Map of bicycle accidents and injuries in Contra Costa County

There is no federal law requiring helmets. Following: CA state law taken from here .
State Law Passengers under 5 1987
State Law Riders under 18 1994
State Law

Under 18 * Scooters, skateboards, inline skates

Bidwell Park, Chico All ages 1991
El Cerrito All ages 1993
Want to know the CA state bicycle codes, regulations & safety suggestions? Click here
Caltrans Study Finds Better Training Would Improve Walking, Biking Options
"Most engineers don't get trained on designing for bicyclists and pedestrians in their degree programs, so the on-the-job training is critical". "Proper training will not only result in safer facilities and better access, but our research shows that it's cheaper to design bike and ped into the project from the beginning - late design changes, retrofits and lawsuits are expensive."

Biking with Baby (1941): Safety Headgear (photos courtesy of M. Joscelyn)

1941 baby

Biking with Baby 2: High Tech Carrier

Baby on bike

7/2011 Caltrans Complete Intersections: A Guide to Reconstructing Intersections and Interchanges for Bicyclists and Pedestrians Click here to download

"The comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide identifies actions that will improve safety and mobility for bicyclists and pedestrians at intersections and interchanges. "

news 5/18/2011 Caltrans Design has released the Highway Design Manual (HDM) Draft Update. Comments are due by July 8, 2011. Click here
5/5/2011 Congresswoman Matsui Introduces Safe and Complete Streets Legislation Policies Would Create Safer Roads for Bicyclists, Pedestrians, Seniors, Schoolchildren and Motorists Click here to view the press release, the bill, and the letter

5/18/2011 View some photos from the Richmond Ride of Silence on the RBPAC facebook page here. The Ride was held on 7 continents to honor bicyclists injured or slain riding in their local communities.

The ride commenced at City Hall with stations along the Richmond Greenway from San Pablo Ave to 2nd St. ending at the Pt. Richmond farmers market.

Mayor Gayle talked about Richmonders Laura Case(in '08) and Weinstein & Dollstedt (in '06). (See Richmond Road Conditions Which Have Led to Tragedy )

From Ray LaHood's blog: "High gas prices are hitting American families in their wallets and pockets pretty hard these days. But did you know that more than 40 percent of urban trips in the United States are less than two miles, yet 90 percent of those short trip are taken by car? That's why I was pleased to hear about a new competition called the 2 Mile Challenge that demonstrates how many car trips could be replaced by bikes." Click here to read more about the 2 Mile Challenge
5/5/2011 Walking the Bay - Blogster Corinne DeBra traverses Richmond in mile 700 of her planned 1000 mile walk around the Bay Click here
5/5/2011 Bay Trail Update Click here to view the elegant Wildcat Marsh & Landfill Loop Trail Guide.
4/26/2011 Proclamation for Major Taylor from the Mayor of Richmond Click here
Nacto 3/9/2010 Cities Release Bikeway Design Guide -- New manual reflects spread of innovative street designs in U.S. Click here to view

1/13/2011 New data adds job creation to the many benefits of bicycle infrastructure from the blog of Ray Lahood, US Transportation Secretary

"This week, a coalition of bicycling advocates introduced me to a new report showing that in Baltimore, MD, pedestrian and bicycle projects created nearly twice as many jobs per dollar spent than traditional road projects. That report was followed last week by a survey released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicating widespread public support--67 percent--in America's cities for street design activities that increase physical activity. Putting the two studies together creates a powerful argument for continuing the Department of Transportation's support for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects. Even as these investments increase mobility, they also generate economic growth. And, people are demanding them for their communities. Click here to read more about bicycle infrastructure. "

The California Blueprint for Bicycling and Walking

Caltrans Deputy Directive 64-R1, Complete Streets - Integrating the Transportation System

Ever wonder what it looks like UNDER the Richmond- San Rafael Bridge? Click for the Slideshow
8/4/2010 Huffington Post - Colorado Gubernatorial Candidate Warns Of U.N. Plot To Destroy America With Bike-Sharing Programs Click here>>

6/28/2010 Archives of Internal Medicine - A study of more than 18,000 middle-aged women found that those who bicycled regularly put on less weight as they aged. Bicycle Riding, Walking, and Weight Gain in Premenopausal Women

1896 Guide Map of the City of Detroit for Bicyclists - per Joe Light
Biketopia - An Article about Bike / Ped in Brunswick on the East Coast
Bike Riders Code of Conduct - Etiquette, Vehicle Code Laws, & more... from the Marin County Bicycle Coaltion - the pioneers
June, 2010 New Data Show Bicycling and Walking Up by 25 Percent - Report Looks at Efforts to Increase Bicycling and Walking in the U.S. The National Biking and Walking Study 15-year Status Report

May, 2010 Complete Streets Newsletter: Minnesota First State to Adopt Complete Streets Law in 2010 Note the Spotlight on Fehr & Peers, our bicycle plan consultants, & the link to a survey on multi-modal level of service (MMLOS)
Local copy>> Read online>>

How the City of Cupertino built its Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge
MTC May, 2010 Newsletter
Sec'y of transporation Ray Lahood's blog from the March, 2010 bike summit.
Google's new (not quite ready for prime-time) bike route mapping
Chengdu's new pedestrian overpass (bikes, too)
Deadly road design
"Creating a Roadmap for Producing and Implementing a Bike Master Plan" Download

CalTrans Bikeway definitions

Caltrans Highway Design Manual Ch. 1000 - Bikeway Planning and Design

Bike to Work Day 2009 Slides
Richmond Road Conditions Which Have Led to Tragedy
Evolving information: The east-west Greenway "connection"
3/9/2009 Request to Caltrans for solid barrier separation of I-580 bicycle shoulder Read
2/5/09 Letter read by Tony Sustak at the BCDC in San Francisco for safety measures on the deadly I-580 shoulder. Read
Designated Bike Lanes Increase Business

3/1/09 Suggested Bicycle Reading from the Richmond Librarian:

The Great Neighborhood Book: A Do -It-Yourself Guide to Placemaking" by Jay WalljasperProject for Public Spaces, Inc. New Society Publishers, 2007 call no. 307.3362 Wall

David Suzuki's Green Guide: How to find fresher, tastier, healthier food, create an eco-friendly home, make sustainable transportation choices, reduce consumption and be a green citizen by David Suzuki & David R. Boyd. Greystone Books, 2008. New Books Shelf call no. 363.7052

Bike lane engineering specs
* List 1 Contra Costa
* List 2 Solano

12/3/2008 From Marilyn in the mayor's office:

Livable Streets Network
a collection of videos showing how cities are becoming more welcoming to cyclists and pedestrians. Physically Separated Bike Lanes around the world
Older Adults Bike Program
Marilyn loves this video.

Marilyn sez: "Check it out--we could find some great ideas to implement here in Richmond!!!"

6/2/2008 Powerpoint Richmond Bike / Ped Issues & Collision Data
Good Bike Info for Contra Costa Bikers
FREE Guaranteed Ride Home if you're "stuck" at work or a destination when an emergency happens. The rider can use up to 6 vouchers per calendar year & no more than 2 per month.
SFBC's extensive help page
SFBC's Give and get respect
Funky bike alphabet from Benny Zeng's facbook page
Other Sites of Interest
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