Richmond Bicycle Master Plan and Pedestrian Plan Project Wrap up by Kieron Slaughter, Richmond Planning Dept:
I would like to take a moment to congratulate the project team for successfully completing the Bicycle Master Plan, Pedestrian Plan and the Mitigated Negative Deceleration. Notwithstanding some of the comments from some of the public and a few elected officials at the last City Council Meeting, I'm confident that we conducted the process in a legal, open and transparent manner, and did everything within our power and budgetary constraints to solicit public participation. As was stated at the November 1, 2011 City Council meeting, this places Richmond on pace with other neighboring cities that value and encourage bicycle and pedestrian activity and realize the benefits of a robust Bicycle and Pedestrian infrastructure. We're also excited about the ability to leverage grant funding as a result of having both plans approved. Once again, job well done and the last two and a half years have been a valuable learning experience.
Thank you Kieron for making this happen!!
Link to Bicycle Master Plan and Pedestrian Plan MND (Mitigated Negative Declaration)
What: SAVE
The Bicycle Master Plan is slated to go to the City Council for adoption. Watch here for an update once the agenda is posted.
Nov, 1, 2011
Council meeting starts at 6:30.
NOTE: Watch the live broadcast on
KCRT channel 28
to gauge the speed the agenda is moving along and when this item is likely to begin.
Richmond City Council Chamber
440 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Nancy Baer 510 525-9699 Postcard:
English version (PDF)
Spanish version (PDF)
Oct 7, 2011
Breaking News
The City Manager announced that the
Bike Plan is scheduled to go to the city council for approval on Nov. 1st, 2011.
6/2/2011 Fehr and Peers aerial concept plan and cross section for the short-term proposal to connect the east and west spans of the Richmond Greenway. Big file!
Click here
Oct, 2011
Click here
for the Bicycle Master Plan October., 2011 "final" draft and appendices
on the City of Richmond website.
Click on the cover (left) to enjoy an enlarged image.
Richmond City Council Study Session
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
City Hall Chambers, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, 94804
6:30 p.m. meeting starts
City Council Agenda
Streaming Video is available in real-time on
If you intend to comment, fill out a pink request and give it to the city clerk (who sits to the far left of the dais) BEFORE item
is announced. The city clerk has a pile of blank speaker forms.
Copies of the plans and supporting materials are available for public review in the Planning Dept., 2nd floor, Richmond City Hall, 440 Civic Center Plaza, 94804.
The first formal presentation of the Draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans
Richmond Planning Commission;
December 2, 2010
7:00 p.m.
City Hall Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804
Kieron Slaughter
There are direct links to the plan documents on the navigation bar on the left under "Draft documents"
For the bicycle plan draft files on the city website
click here
(and scroll down the page)
For the pedestrian plan draft on the city website
click here
To watch the meeting live on KCRT
click here
if you missed it and need to find it in the Video Archive
click here
Comment period for the Ped Plan closes
December 7, 2010 at 5:00 pm.
Comment verbally, via email or in writing to
Kieron Slaughter
, 510.620.6887
Comment period for the Bicycle Plan closed on
November 19th.
Where can you get more information about this project?
The complete files for both projects are available for public inspection at the Planning Division weekdays during the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM. You can also find out more about the project by calling
Kieron Slaughter
, 510.620.6887
The final draft of the Richmond bike plan is available. T or
on the
City of Richmond bike plan page.
In addition, a bound copy of the draft plan is available at the reference desk at the main Richmond Library. Send comments, emendations and corrections by 11/19/2010 to:
Kieron Slaughter
directly to us.
Download the flyer
Login: bike_richmond
Password: bikerichmond
RBPAC bike plan meeting photos / North Richmond tour on facebook. You don't have to be a member of facebook to see the photos.
Click here>>
Above: Crafting a Vision Statement, May 15, 2010, Public Bike Plan Meeting
The City needs your
input and ideas for making Richmond
a bicycle-friendly city and improving safety for cyclists on our roads. The Richmond Strategic Bicycle Plan is due for completion by October, 2010. Please tell us about places you
like to bike to and issues that make it difficult
to bike there safely & comfortably. Ways to get involved:
"HURRAH! For years EBBC has sought to empower
a local group of bicyclists who could become the bicycling stakeholders
to oversee the planning and implementation of bicycle facilities
in Richmond. You have arrived!!
- Robert Raburn, Executive Director, Bike East Bay 1/21/2010
"...we are planning for developments that are livable, walkable, bike-friendly, communities."
-Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin quoted in the New York Times 4/2/2010